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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Café Expresso

The Café Espresso is a new version of an old Café in Águas da Prata. It is conveniently located on the main highway from São João da Boa Vista, across the road from the Águas da Prata water factory. It was originally located one block closer to Soã João da Boa Vista.

This new building is more than twice the size of the original. It is nice and clean open for business.

It just opened for business last month.

The owner proudly stands behind the counter ready to take your order.

There are several tables indoors now.

A young customer comes in looking for some refreshment.

Our family waits outside on the patio.

Inside, there is a special room with two tables.

They are tastefully and modestly decorated.

They have a new freezer and a new refrigerator for soft drinks.

Here is what they serve best, "Pão de Quejo"!

It is nice to see the new building finally completed and open for business.

Photos by Urso Branco

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