The Sá Rosa Café is in Poços de Caldas. It has only been open a couple years but already has a large clientele. It is a large and stylish café that seats over 100 people and has a lounge area with TV . . . well, read more to see all the marvelous amenities they offer.
When you enter you are greeted by the friendly and courteous staff.
Like most other cafés they have comfortable and pleasant sidewalk tables and chairs.
When you enter you notice that it is really big.
At the front of the Café they have on display a selection of "sweet" and "salty" treats.
Look up as you enter. They have WI-FI internet access for their patrons.
The seating is comfortable and elegant. There is a long bar on the side where all the coffee and meals are prepared.
They also have a small but excellent selection of wines.
This is a coffee grinding machine where they will grind you fresh coffee beans to bag and take home with you. They have two types; strong and light.
They have modest and tasteful decorations here.
If you wish, you can sit in the spacious and comfortable lounge and have your coffee, watch the large screen TV or read a book or magazine.
The seating arrangements are very comfortable. Notice my wife Judy inspecting the selections of magazines to read at your table or in the lounge.
An interesting old style gas cook stove. Are those chickens waiting to be cooked?
This computer is for patrons who wish to connect to the Internet.
There are small isolated areas outside for patrons looking for more private seating.
Here is a nice touch. Look at the old style radio.
Here are two of the friendly staff that served us. Carol and Luciana.
We had a Cappuccino and a Cafezinho (small coffee)
Here, a lady visiting from São Paulo, Katia, is ready to enjoy a lovely salad with a basket of bread. It looks very tasty.
They have a menu with many fine selections to choose from.
There are several pages listing all the delights they have to offer.
They have interesting signs, instead of graffitti, in the washrooms. This one says:
There comes Rosa courting slowly, She entered the samba, Now see how she dances!
This one says,
"Oh sweet Rosa, My love, my affection, For you, beauty, I am crazy with passion!
This is a wash basin outside the washrooms. It is an interesting style of sink.
Sá Rosa Café is located at Rua Prefeito Chagas 81, in Central Poços de Caldas. They do not have their website up and running yet but they can be reached by telephone at (35) 3721-6577.
You will enjoy your visit to this popular Café. They are usually very crowded for breakfasts and lunches. This time we were there after the lunch rush.
Photos by Urso Branco
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sá Rosa Café
Posted by Urso Branco at 11:06 AM 2 comments
Café Pão de Mel Revisitited
On December 15, 2007 we went to Poços de Caldas to do some Christmas shopping. I had heard that they had made some changes in our favourite coffee shop.
I was amazed to see they had had a complete renovation. Now they have more tables inside, more room and a fresh clean decor. Follow us inside and look at the marvelous changes.
There is nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make a place look new. New tables and chairs and new decor all add to the great appeal.
The amazing thing is they closed for just 9 days and reopened on Halloween. The place is more than twice as big as they expanded into the back.
There is more room behind the counter and the counter is also larger.
These new lights are decorated with festive ribbons.
A simple but elegant bowl of pine cones, balls and ribbon add a festive touch also.
The staff display the cakes, chocolates and sandwiches.
There is a new shelf to display some of the packaged goods.
But the food has not changed. Here we have sandwiches of pita, ham, tomato, cheese and lettuce. Along with drinks of our choice. They use those cards with numbers on them to accumulate our bill if we add more.
We were very pleased with the light, open decor (they have an all glass front now) to help brighten the atmosphere. They have done a wonderful job of renovating. I am amazed they did it all in just nine days.
These 12 business men, and others, meet here every day at 11:00 for coffee.
Pão de Mel are open every day until nine p.m.
They are located in Poços de Caldas in two locations.
Rua Paraiba, 228 and the location in these photos is Rua Prefeito Chagas, 117.
Congratulations Pão de Mel for doing such a fine job.
Photos by Urso Branco
Posted by Urso Branco at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Santa Rita do Quartel Coffee Shop
On the highway between Águas da Prata and Poços de Caldas, just inside São Paulo at the State Line with Minas Gerais there is a famous Coffee Shop. It is located across the highway from the Santa Rita do Quartel coffee farm.
It is one of our favourite stops when traveling between the two cities. Join us as we explore this marvelous Coffee Shop.
There is a wonderful Greeter waiting for us at the door.
Off to the side there is a Greeter in Training.
The owners of the Coffee Shop met us at the door. They are Jeane and Daniel.
If Jeane doesn't serve us Vanessa serves us.
A display of Santa Rita do Quartel coffees and wines.
One of the big features of the Coffee Shop is the wide assorment of other products besides coffee. Here we see many liquores and liquor containers.
They feature coffee and other products from the Santa Rito do Quartel farm but they are private proprietors not part of the farm. The large gold packages contain coffee beans ready for you to grind yourself.
Here we see the famous gold coloured coffee bags and silver vacuum packed bags of ground coffee.
They serve food with the coffee and cappucino some of which are shown here in packages.
Here is a selection of liquors and special bottles for sale in the shop.
They serve a variety of Santa Rita do Quartel wines as they are in season.
They have on show a large variety of candies.
They sell a wide selection of items made by local artisans from the region, especially in Minas Gerais.
The variety of of items is quite amazing.
Here are jams and honeys and various samples of pottery made by regional artrisans.
This mannequin looks life like doesn't she.
Overhead is this beautiful toucan. When you pull the string its wings flap like a real toucan.
They have a selection of tasty hot snacks available such as the cheese bread. The day we were there the selection was limited as a large group had been there before us.
Jeane prepares a cappucino.
There is lots of comfortable wicker chairs and tables.
The side verandah is closed in but with big windows. There are large windows all around the shop.
More customers arriving.
This little boy wanted to see the horse but when his daddy tried too put him on the horse he cried very loudly.
Here is the view of the Coffee Shop from the highway. That house is where Jeane and Daniel live.
This is a view of the Santa Rita do Quartel farm across the highway.
A closer look at the little church that is on the label of the Santa Rita do Quartel coffee.
The Cometa Bus travels by every half hour oin both directions.
This is the grand view from the front window of the Coffee Shop. That is the Santa Rita do Quartel farm you can see. The small white church is very visible.
Sometimes you see a moto go by. Motos are a popular mode of travel in Brasil.
Sometimes two go by.
Maybe even three.
But these guys just rode past without stopping.
But this one stopped for a while. It was a man and a small boy out for a Saturday ride.
Did you notice something missing? The coffee we drank! We were enjoying the coffee and the Pão de Queijo so much I forgot to take pictures of them.
Next time I will take some photos before we drink it all. *SMILE*
Photos by Urso Branco Read More, See More Photos and Read the Comments . . . CLICK HERE
Posted by Urso Branco at 9:40 PM 1 comments